Scotland's Chief Statistician today released Recorded Crime in
Scotland, year ending June 2024.
In the year ending June 2024, police in Scotland recorded 300,070
crimes. This was 3% higher than the 292,702 crimes recorded in
the year ending June 2023, and similar to the 300,333 crimes
recorded in the year ending June 2020.
It should be noted that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and
associated measures to limit social contact, had an impact on
both the type and volume of crime recorded since March 2020.
The largest impact was seen during the year ending June 2021, and
to a lesser extent the years ending June 2020 and June 2022. The
final legal restrictions were lifted in April 2022, meaning the
most recent years (years ending June 2023 and June 2024) were not
impacted by these restrictions.
Non-sexual crimes of violence were 2% higher compared to the year
ending June 2023 (increasing from 70,136 to 71,341 crimes), and
9% higher compared to the year ending June 2020 (increasing from
65,228 to 71,341 crimes).
Sexual crimes were 3% lower compared to the year ending June 2023
(decreasing from 14,834 to 14,417 crimes), but 12% higher
compared to the year ending June 2020 (increasing from 12,822 to
14,417 crimes).
Crimes of dishonesty were 8% higher compared to the year ending
June 2023 (increasing from 104,495 to 112,384 crimes), and 7%
higher compared to the year ending June 2020 (increasing from
104,933 to 112,384 crimes).
Damage and reckless behaviour was 6% lower compared to the year
ending June 2023 (decreasing from 42,932 to 40,285 crimes), and
12% lower compared to the year ending June 2020 (decreasing from
45,814 to 40,285 crimes).
Crimes against society were 2% higher compared to the year ending
June 2023 (increasing from 60,305 to 61,643 crimes), but 8% lower
compared to the year ending June 2020 (decreasing from 66,843 to
61,643 crimes).
The number of offences recorded by the police in Scotland in the
year ending June 2024 was 177,849. This is 3% higher than the
172,923 offences recorded in the year ending June 2023, and 5%
lower than the 187,790 offences recorded in the year ending June
- The full statistical publication can be accessed at
Recorded Crime in
Scotland: year ending June 2024
- The statistics provide information on recorded crimes up to
year ending June 2024, and the previous four years. For
additional and more detailed commentary on the recording of
crimes and offences, we recommend users refer to the 2023-24 (or
year ending March 2024) Accredited Official
Statistics bulletin. This includes time series analysis
over the longer term (back to 1971), statistics on cyber-crimes
and clear-up rates.
- Contraventions of Scottish criminal law are divided for
statistical purposes into crimes and offences. ‘Crime' is
generally used for the more serious criminal acts. The less
serious are termed ‘offences', although the term ‘offence' may
also be used in relation to serious breaches of criminal law. The
distinction is made only for statistical reporting purposes and
the ‘seriousness' of the offence is generally related to the
maximum sentence that can be imposed.
- Further information on Crime and Justice
Statistics within Scotland
- Accredited Official Statistics are produced by professionally
independent statistical staff – more information on the standards
of Official Statistics in Scotland can be accessed at Statistics and