A new safeguarding course which will be core learning for civil
servants across government is to be launched within weeks
Called Safeguarding, it has recently been piloted by around 160
civil servants from a cross-section of departments and is
currently undergoing its final round of refinements following
their feedback.
The course is designed to increase the cross-government awareness
of safeguarding roles and responsibilities enabling individuals
to identify situations where the safety and well-being of
children, young people, adults and the unborn could be at risk.
The training will support government organisations in the
management of safeguarding activities and ensure that appropriate
actions are taken when safeguarding concerns arise.
“It's an important awareness level course that helps people
recognise the subtle signs that someone may be being exploited or
at risk,” said Gail Charlton online business partner for
Government Skills (pictured).
“Whether it's colleagues, customers, adults or children, we all
need to stay alert and know what to do if we believe that
something is amiss with someone or their situation.I would
encourage all colleagues to take this training as we all have a
responsibility to help keep each other safe.”
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